Every kid is different! Tom shares the same philosophy as Butch Harmon when it comes to junior golf.
"You can't teach talent, but you can wreck it." Tom keeps the instruction as simple as possible and seeks to build self esteem with positive reinforcement. Kids do a great job of playing, and golf is a game that is meant to be fun. Whether the lessons are semi-private or individual, lessons are fun and competitive with a lot less talk about mechanics than adult lessons. Ask Tom about junior golf tournaments and competitions, as well as the path to playing High School and Collegiate Golf. Note to parents, grandparents and guardians: Please give adequate space for your child to learn from their teacher. The instruction is for them. Thank you for understanding! Definitely sign up your junior golfer for the Northern California Golf Association's Youth On Course program. Summer Camps are offered and will sell out. Email [email protected] with any questions before signing up online. |